Modular Cleanroom Work Sheet & Quote Request

[contact-form subject=”Cleanroom Quote Request” to=””]

[contact-field label="Date" type="text" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Company" type="text" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Phone" type="text" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Fax" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Email Address" type="email" required="true" /] [contact-field label="Room Size" type="text"  /] [contact-field label="Full Height" type="text"/] [contact-field label="Ceiling Height" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Gown up Area Size (if required)" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Classification (check one)" type="radio" options="Class 100000,Class 10000,Class 1000,Class 100" /] [contact-field label="Type (check one)" type="radio" options="Recirculating Type (most common),Once Thru Type" /] [contact-field label="Ceiling Type (check one)" type="radio" options="2 inch Grid with Clean Room Ceiling Pads,1-1/2 inch Grid with Clean Room Pads" /] [contact-field label="# of Doors (3070 Single)" type="text" /] [contact-field label="# of Doors (6070 Double Doors)" type="text" /]
[contact-field label="# of Windows (4'wide x 3'high; fixed)" type="text" /] [contact-field label="# of Windows (other size)" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Type Roof Deck (check one)" type="radio" options="Non-load bearing,Load Bearing" /] [contact-field label="Design Load (psf)" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Are stamped Engineering Drawings required?" type="radio" options="Yes,No" /] [contact-field label="Are Pass-thru's required (yes or no), if yes, number" type="text" /] [contact-field label="# of Fluorescent Lights" type="text" /] [contact-field label="# of110v Duplex Receptacles" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Is Air Conditioning required?" type="radio" options="Yes,No" /]  [contact-field label="Temperature required" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Degrees + or -" type="text" /] [contact-field label="Does Humidity/Dehumidify need to be maintained?" type="radio"options="Yes,No" /] [contact-field label="Percentage and + or -" type="text" /]
